+1 (860) 927-1537 diane@meier.nyc

Strategy: Reflect the Challenge Your Audience is Feeling

MEIER’s insight set the Strategy that determined Zeluck’s Website, their Outreach and their Advertising.

When we recognized the challenge Design is having at the moment – the marriage of Classical, Traditional and Modern, all things sprang from an authentic Concept. From Zeluck’s Website, which organizes their work into Classical, Traditional and Modern categories; to an ad placement that uses all four corners of a spread to show what we mean; to a break-through digital campaign, placed on Archdigest.com, that mirrors our Print and broke all records for response, MEIER clearly positioned the conversation the Design World was thinking about. And the world responded.

MEIER clearly positioned the conversation the Design World was thinking about. And the world responded.

MEIER breaks the paradigm and sets NEW RECORDS for CTR on Archdigest.com

We set the Internet’s hair on fire with this campaign. The response to our Archdigest.com placed digital campaign far exceeded industry standards no matter where on the site it appeared, no matter what time of day. And everyone worked to a higher standard. Arch Digest over-delivered more than 70K impressions, far beyond what had been promised. AD’s reach to a design-savvy, affluent customer is second to none. Every architect and designer in Zeluck’s Rolodex should recognize that.

Surprised that a campaign offering no kittens in hats or naked Kardashians pulled this kind of response? When a concept resonates with authentic connection to the conversation of your audience, we’ve learned to expect great things.

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